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Thank You Chicken Soup for the Soul

Thank You Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul recently introduced badges to recognize the number of books authors have contributed to over the years. I'm grateful to Chicken Soup for the Soul for honoring their authors and for the opportunities they've provided to authors. I've...

Summertime in the Midwest

Summertime in the Midwest

Summer in the Midwest is stands apart, wouldn’t you agree? County fairs, firefly catching, swimming, making s’mores, eating corn on the cob, BLTs, ice cream and preserving tomatoes, fresh from the garden. Those are a few of my favorites. What are your summertime...

Honoring Veterans

Honoring Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, I thought I would share a few family stories. My great-grandmother on my dad’s side used to run a retirement home for veterans in Urbana. I believe there is now University of Illinois housing, or campus apartments in this area. She had an...

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